Deletes the given form.
Request Information
URI Parameters
Body Parameters
The form to delete.
FormName | Description | Type | Additional information |
FormId | globally unique identifier |
None. |
Asset | Asset |
None. |
FormType | FormType |
None. |
EffectiveDate | date |
None. |
Location | string |
None. |
TaskId | globally unique identifier |
None. |
Values | Collection of FormFieldValue |
None. |
SourceSystemId | string |
None. |
CompanyId | globally unique identifier |
None. |
CreateDate | date |
None. |
CreateUser | string |
None. |
LastModifiedDate | date |
None. |
LastModifiedUser | string |
None. |
Request Formats
application/json, text/json
{ "FormId": "45680db1-d722-428b-ae97-451a8e62d73b", "Asset": { "AssetId": "e043b23c-92cc-42e7-aef4-b51a4e4f2c46", "Name": "sample string 1", "Description": "sample string 2", "DisplayOrder": 1, "AssetType": { "AssetTypeId": "829a9680-4408-445e-98db-89f505ce0648", "Name": "sample string 1", "Description": "sample string 2", "DisplayColor": "sample string 3", "SourceSystemId": "sample string 4", "CompanyId": "d0679bff-14ef-40d6-8deb-d7bd878a210f", "CreateDate": "2024-12-08T21:38:18.1459043-08:00", "CreateUser": "sample string 6", "LastModifiedDate": "2024-12-08T21:38:18.1459043-08:00", "LastModifiedUser": "sample string 7" }, "AssetGroup": { "AssetGroupId": "6ddcd647-798c-4205-9e76-ec2cc5361f3d", "Name": "sample string 1", "Description": "sample string 2", "ParentGroup": null, "DisplayOrder": 1, "FormValueNeededDate": "2024-12-08T21:38:18.1459043-08:00", "MeasurementValueNeededDate": "2024-12-08T21:38:18.1459043-08:00", "SourceSystemId": "sample string 3", "CompanyId": "7027c84c-db78-497f-b584-e3acfe6abf76", "CreateDate": "2024-12-08T21:38:18.1459043-08:00", "CreateUser": "sample string 5", "LastModifiedDate": "2024-12-08T21:38:18.1459043-08:00", "LastModifiedUser": "sample string 6" }, "ParentAsset": null, "Location": "sample string 3", "Barcode": { "Format": 0, "Code": "sample string 1" }, "FormValueNeededDate": "2024-12-08T21:38:18.1459043-08:00", "MeasurementValueNeededDate": "2024-12-08T21:38:18.1459043-08:00", "HasChildren": true, "SourceSystemId": "sample string 5", "CompanyId": "a27c9a54-0c77-414c-819b-9e4053550ed6", "CreateDate": "2024-12-08T21:38:18.1459043-08:00", "CreateUser": "sample string 7", "LastModifiedDate": "2024-12-08T21:38:18.1459043-08:00", "LastModifiedUser": "sample string 8" }, "FormType": { "FormTypeId": "ea96098a-a70e-425e-a70b-bc4cd865d8c7", "Name": "sample string 1", "Description": "sample string 2", "AssetType": { "AssetTypeId": "829a9680-4408-445e-98db-89f505ce0648", "Name": "sample string 1", "Description": "sample string 2", "DisplayColor": "sample string 3", "SourceSystemId": "sample string 4", "CompanyId": "d0679bff-14ef-40d6-8deb-d7bd878a210f", "CreateDate": "2024-12-08T21:38:18.1459043-08:00", "CreateUser": "sample string 6", "LastModifiedDate": "2024-12-08T21:38:18.1459043-08:00", "LastModifiedUser": "sample string 7" }, "FrequencyNeeded": 1, "ValueNeededDate": "2024-12-08T21:38:18.1459043-08:00", "Fields": [ { "FormTypeFieldId": "3f5b4993-5e0e-4519-98e6-2881a2ccfea1", "Section": { "FormTypeSectionId": "939b757c-6e71-4063-b647-c73a4cd9f0bf", "Name": "sample string 1", "Label": "sample string 2", "DisplayOrder": 1, "IsRepeatable": true, "VisibleExpression": "sample string 4", "SourceSystemId": "sample string 5" }, "Name": "sample string 1", "Label": "sample string 2", "Description": "sample string 3", "DataType": { "DataTypeId": "93c69f8b-090e-46e4-a307-641dccf5578e", "Name": "sample string 1" }, "Unit": { "UnitId": "0652e7d4-84aa-4e7e-8561-2a4fe45d1f37", "Code": "sample string 1", "Description": "sample string 2", "SourceSystemId": "sample string 3", "CompanyId": "dbacf3b0-842f-45e2-9ad1-599a053d421f", "CreateDate": "2024-12-08T21:38:18.1459043-08:00", "CreateUser": "sample string 5", "LastModifiedDate": "2024-12-08T21:38:18.1459043-08:00", "LastModifiedUser": "sample string 6" }, "DisplayOrder": 1, "MinValue": 1.0, "MaxValue": 1.0, "MinLength": 1, "MaxLength": 1, "HasValidValues": true, "ValidValues": [ { "ValidValueId": "550ced32-2bd1-49e3-a2e8-3156fb776a1f", "FieldId": "b33e7d3f-8415-40b5-b48e-af3f6fa4fbd4", "FieldName": "sample string 1", "FieldLabel": "sample string 2", "ValueText": "sample string 3", "LabelText": "sample string 4" }, { "ValidValueId": "550ced32-2bd1-49e3-a2e8-3156fb776a1f", "FieldId": "b33e7d3f-8415-40b5-b48e-af3f6fa4fbd4", "FieldName": "sample string 1", "FieldLabel": "sample string 2", "ValueText": "sample string 3", "LabelText": "sample string 4" } ], "ValueExpression": "sample string 5", "RequiredExpression": "sample string 6", "IsAttachment": true, "DefaultValueExpression": "sample string 8", "IsAccumulator": true, "IsMultiline": true, "IsRepeatable": true, "VisibleExpression": "sample string 12", "SourceSystemId": "sample string 13" }, { "FormTypeFieldId": "3f5b4993-5e0e-4519-98e6-2881a2ccfea1", "Section": { "FormTypeSectionId": "939b757c-6e71-4063-b647-c73a4cd9f0bf", "Name": "sample string 1", "Label": "sample string 2", "DisplayOrder": 1, "IsRepeatable": true, "VisibleExpression": "sample string 4", "SourceSystemId": "sample string 5" }, "Name": "sample string 1", "Label": "sample string 2", "Description": "sample string 3", "DataType": { "DataTypeId": "93c69f8b-090e-46e4-a307-641dccf5578e", "Name": "sample string 1" }, "Unit": { "UnitId": "0652e7d4-84aa-4e7e-8561-2a4fe45d1f37", "Code": "sample string 1", "Description": "sample string 2", "SourceSystemId": "sample string 3", "CompanyId": "dbacf3b0-842f-45e2-9ad1-599a053d421f", "CreateDate": "2024-12-08T21:38:18.1459043-08:00", "CreateUser": "sample string 5", "LastModifiedDate": "2024-12-08T21:38:18.1459043-08:00", "LastModifiedUser": "sample string 6" }, "DisplayOrder": 1, "MinValue": 1.0, "MaxValue": 1.0, "MinLength": 1, "MaxLength": 1, "HasValidValues": true, "ValidValues": [ { "ValidValueId": "550ced32-2bd1-49e3-a2e8-3156fb776a1f", "FieldId": "b33e7d3f-8415-40b5-b48e-af3f6fa4fbd4", "FieldName": "sample string 1", "FieldLabel": "sample string 2", "ValueText": "sample string 3", "LabelText": "sample string 4" }, { "ValidValueId": "550ced32-2bd1-49e3-a2e8-3156fb776a1f", "FieldId": "b33e7d3f-8415-40b5-b48e-af3f6fa4fbd4", "FieldName": "sample string 1", "FieldLabel": "sample string 2", "ValueText": "sample string 3", "LabelText": "sample string 4" } ], "ValueExpression": "sample string 5", "RequiredExpression": "sample string 6", "IsAttachment": true, "DefaultValueExpression": "sample string 8", "IsAccumulator": true, "IsMultiline": true, "IsRepeatable": true, "VisibleExpression": "sample string 12", "SourceSystemId": "sample string 13" } ], "SourceSystemId": "sample string 3", "CompanyId": "449e4ef1-0f8f-4a1d-a6a2-c19d3f11fa78", "CreateDate": "2024-12-08T21:38:18.1459043-08:00", "CreateUser": "sample string 5", "LastModifiedDate": "2024-12-08T21:38:18.1459043-08:00", "LastModifiedUser": "sample string 6" }, "EffectiveDate": "2024-12-08T21:38:18.1459043-08:00", "Location": "sample string 1", "TaskId": "d96fdba1-eeb3-4fa2-87ec-552cde50af37", "Values": [ { "FormFieldValueId": "7446af45-6e2a-4e0f-8681-4738ed4c801d", "FormId": "a59ff36e-7c31-4bfd-977d-b25765f3919e", "FormTypeField": { "FormTypeFieldId": "3f5b4993-5e0e-4519-98e6-2881a2ccfea1", "FormType": { "FormTypeId": "ea96098a-a70e-425e-a70b-bc4cd865d8c7", "Name": "sample string 1", "Description": "sample string 2", "AssetType": { "AssetTypeId": "829a9680-4408-445e-98db-89f505ce0648", "Name": "sample string 1", "Description": "sample string 2", "DisplayColor": "sample string 3", "SourceSystemId": "sample string 4", "CompanyId": "d0679bff-14ef-40d6-8deb-d7bd878a210f", "CreateDate": "2024-12-08T21:38:18.1459043-08:00", "CreateUser": "sample string 6", "LastModifiedDate": "2024-12-08T21:38:18.1459043-08:00", "LastModifiedUser": "sample string 7" }, "FrequencyNeeded": 1, "ValueNeededDate": "2024-12-08T21:38:18.1459043-08:00", "Fields": [], "SourceSystemId": "sample string 3", "CompanyId": "449e4ef1-0f8f-4a1d-a6a2-c19d3f11fa78", "CreateDate": "2024-12-08T21:38:18.1459043-08:00", "CreateUser": "sample string 5", "LastModifiedDate": "2024-12-08T21:38:18.1459043-08:00", "LastModifiedUser": "sample string 6" }, "Section": { "FormTypeSectionId": "939b757c-6e71-4063-b647-c73a4cd9f0bf", "Name": "sample string 1", "Label": "sample string 2", "DisplayOrder": 1, "IsRepeatable": true, "VisibleExpression": "sample string 4", "SourceSystemId": "sample string 5" }, "Name": "sample string 1", "Label": "sample string 2", "Description": "sample string 3", "DataType": { "DataTypeId": "93c69f8b-090e-46e4-a307-641dccf5578e", "Name": "sample string 1" }, "Unit": { "UnitId": "0652e7d4-84aa-4e7e-8561-2a4fe45d1f37", "Code": "sample string 1", "Description": "sample string 2", "SourceSystemId": "sample string 3", "CompanyId": "dbacf3b0-842f-45e2-9ad1-599a053d421f", "CreateDate": "2024-12-08T21:38:18.1459043-08:00", "CreateUser": "sample string 5", "LastModifiedDate": "2024-12-08T21:38:18.1459043-08:00", "LastModifiedUser": "sample string 6" }, "DisplayOrder": 1, "MinValue": 1.0, "MaxValue": 1.0, "MinLength": 1, "MaxLength": 1, "HasValidValues": true, "ValidValues": [ { "ValidValueId": "550ced32-2bd1-49e3-a2e8-3156fb776a1f", "FieldId": "b33e7d3f-8415-40b5-b48e-af3f6fa4fbd4", "FieldName": "sample string 1", "FieldLabel": "sample string 2", "ValueText": "sample string 3", "LabelText": "sample string 4" }, { "ValidValueId": "550ced32-2bd1-49e3-a2e8-3156fb776a1f", "FieldId": "b33e7d3f-8415-40b5-b48e-af3f6fa4fbd4", "FieldName": "sample string 1", "FieldLabel": "sample string 2", "ValueText": "sample string 3", "LabelText": "sample string 4" } ], "ValueExpression": "sample string 5", "RequiredExpression": "sample string 6", "IsAttachment": true, "DefaultValueExpression": "sample string 8", "IsAccumulator": true, "IsMultiline": true, "IsRepeatable": true, "VisibleExpression": "sample string 12", "SourceSystemId": "sample string 13" }, "SectionIndex": 1, "FieldIndex": 1, "FileName": "sample string 1", "FileType": "sample string 2", "FileSize": 1, "FileContent": "QEA=", "ValueText": "sample string 3", "IsValid": true, "IsValidMessage": "sample string 5", "SourceSystemId": "sample string 6" }, { "FormFieldValueId": "7446af45-6e2a-4e0f-8681-4738ed4c801d", "FormId": "a59ff36e-7c31-4bfd-977d-b25765f3919e", "FormTypeField": { "FormTypeFieldId": "3f5b4993-5e0e-4519-98e6-2881a2ccfea1", "FormType": { "FormTypeId": "ea96098a-a70e-425e-a70b-bc4cd865d8c7", "Name": "sample string 1", "Description": "sample string 2", "AssetType": { "AssetTypeId": "829a9680-4408-445e-98db-89f505ce0648", "Name": "sample string 1", "Description": "sample string 2", "DisplayColor": "sample string 3", "SourceSystemId": "sample string 4", "CompanyId": "d0679bff-14ef-40d6-8deb-d7bd878a210f", "CreateDate": "2024-12-08T21:38:18.1459043-08:00", "CreateUser": "sample string 6", "LastModifiedDate": "2024-12-08T21:38:18.1459043-08:00", "LastModifiedUser": "sample string 7" }, "FrequencyNeeded": 1, "ValueNeededDate": "2024-12-08T21:38:18.1459043-08:00", "Fields": [], "SourceSystemId": "sample string 3", "CompanyId": "449e4ef1-0f8f-4a1d-a6a2-c19d3f11fa78", "CreateDate": "2024-12-08T21:38:18.1459043-08:00", "CreateUser": "sample string 5", "LastModifiedDate": "2024-12-08T21:38:18.1459043-08:00", "LastModifiedUser": "sample string 6" }, "Section": { "FormTypeSectionId": "939b757c-6e71-4063-b647-c73a4cd9f0bf", "Name": "sample string 1", "Label": "sample string 2", "DisplayOrder": 1, "IsRepeatable": true, "VisibleExpression": "sample string 4", "SourceSystemId": "sample string 5" }, "Name": "sample string 1", "Label": "sample string 2", "Description": "sample string 3", "DataType": { "DataTypeId": "93c69f8b-090e-46e4-a307-641dccf5578e", "Name": "sample string 1" }, "Unit": { "UnitId": "0652e7d4-84aa-4e7e-8561-2a4fe45d1f37", "Code": "sample string 1", "Description": "sample string 2", "SourceSystemId": "sample string 3", "CompanyId": "dbacf3b0-842f-45e2-9ad1-599a053d421f", "CreateDate": "2024-12-08T21:38:18.1459043-08:00", "CreateUser": "sample string 5", "LastModifiedDate": "2024-12-08T21:38:18.1459043-08:00", "LastModifiedUser": "sample string 6" }, "DisplayOrder": 1, "MinValue": 1.0, "MaxValue": 1.0, "MinLength": 1, "MaxLength": 1, "HasValidValues": true, "ValidValues": [ { "ValidValueId": "550ced32-2bd1-49e3-a2e8-3156fb776a1f", "FieldId": "b33e7d3f-8415-40b5-b48e-af3f6fa4fbd4", "FieldName": "sample string 1", "FieldLabel": "sample string 2", "ValueText": "sample string 3", "LabelText": "sample string 4" }, { "ValidValueId": "550ced32-2bd1-49e3-a2e8-3156fb776a1f", "FieldId": "b33e7d3f-8415-40b5-b48e-af3f6fa4fbd4", "FieldName": "sample string 1", "FieldLabel": "sample string 2", "ValueText": "sample string 3", "LabelText": "sample string 4" } ], "ValueExpression": "sample string 5", "RequiredExpression": "sample string 6", "IsAttachment": true, "DefaultValueExpression": "sample string 8", "IsAccumulator": true, "IsMultiline": true, "IsRepeatable": true, "VisibleExpression": "sample string 12", "SourceSystemId": "sample string 13" }, "SectionIndex": 1, "FieldIndex": 1, "FileName": "sample string 1", "FileType": "sample string 2", "FileSize": 1, "FileContent": "QEA=", "ValueText": "sample string 3", "IsValid": true, "IsValidMessage": "sample string 5", "SourceSystemId": "sample string 6" } ], "SourceSystemId": "sample string 2", "CompanyId": "ace3e7e8-d1c6-4504-8690-9c527a6af49b", "CreateDate": "2024-12-08T21:38:18.1459043-08:00", "CreateUser": "sample string 4", "LastModifiedDate": "2024-12-08T21:38:18.1459043-08:00", "LastModifiedUser": "sample string 5" }
Response Information
Resource Description
Name | Description | Type | Additional information |
Data | Object |
None. |
Total | integer |
None. |
Message | string |
None. |
Response Formats
application/json, text/json
{ "Data": {}, "Total": 1, "Message": "sample string 2" }